Your Sacred Space


Sunbow is a healing portal. A space to nourish, support, honor + inspire your radiant wellbeing through the seasons of life

Yoga Therapies, Ceremonies, Ancient + Modern Healing Wisdom to support your brightest well-being + radiant transformation in the most natural + holistic ways.

We’ve curated the best resources + practices as a medicinal map to not only thrive in these times but to ignite your brightest most beautiful being for the collective rising.


The Yogic First Aid Kit

Your Go-To Medicinal Healing Arts Kit to remedy the spectrum of dis-harmony in the mind / body / spirit:

Full Spectrum Tuning, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Confidence, Purification, Divine Connection, Vitality.


A Virtual Healing Sanctuary

Your sacred space to access full spectrum healing arts, explore the ancient + modern wisdom of womanhood, experience Rites of Passage, Seasonal + Lunar Ceremonies to ignite your brightest being + path ahead.